October 3, 2009

Splendor of China

Today we went to the Splendor of China at the Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall.

It was a fun way to expose our boys to the sights and sounds of Chinese culture.

We got there just after the 10am start time, and although there was a Keiki Corner with kids activities near the entrance, as well as balloon artists and face painters, DS1 didn't show interest in any of those things, so we walked around and browsed.

There were many, many vendors selling everything from jade jewelry to almond cookies.
There were also many exhibits and story panels on Chinese culture.

The longevity table.

DS1 started to get hungry, so I decided to buy him a snack. At first I was going to buy almond cookies, but then I saw a booth for Sweetie Puffs.

Sweetie Puffs are deep fried wontons filled with custard and coated with cinnamon sugar. YUM!

Since we had found a table so we could sit and enjoy our Sweetie Puffs, we decided to grab some lunch.

I ordered food from Panda Express.

I got the Orange Chicken, which tasted good, as usual, and SweetFire Chicken Breast, one of Panda Express's new dishes. That was good too--not really spicy, but really tasty.

DH ordered chili.

For $4.00, he said it was a deal and tasted good.

While we ate, the opening ceremony began, which included a dragon dance and lion dance. Since the tables were far away from the stage, we didn't get to watch much of the show, but we did get a good look at the dragon after the show!

After we ate lunch, we wanted to watch the acrobats, which was to start at 11:30am, but everything was running behind schedule, so we ended up leaving since we knew the boys were getting tired.

Although we didn't get to see a lot of the shows, we enjoyed some great food and spent quality family time together!

Splendor of China continues tonight until 9pm, and again tomorrow from 10am to 5pm.

Admission is $6, children 8 and under free.

You can download a coupon from the website for $1 off admission.

1 comment:

  1. It is always so colorful and bright. I love that. Orange Chicken is my favorite from Panda. Mmm Mmm good. Sounds like you had a great time :) Pictures are wonderful my friend :) Aloha
