Admission to the zoo for ages 13+ is $12, or $6 Kama`aina (ages 4-12 $3; 3 and under free).
Our first stop was to the Keiki Zoo.
We were really looking forward to seeing the cow since DS2 loves cows, but today there was no cow (and a lot of other animals were missing throughout the zoo due to renovations or other reasons).
Here are Rusti and Violet.
One of the new features I noticed from the last time we visited the Zoo were the Zookeper Notes which tells visitors information on the animals or upcoming activities featuring the animals.

I love going to the zoo. It would be even better going to the zoo in Hawaii! I love all of the pictures. I can't wait until my boys are old enough to appreciate all of the animals. Maybe we'll get lucky and be able to take them all to Hawaii!