January 13, 2012

Chow Mein Express - Honolulu International Airport

When we left for Los Angeles last month, our flight had an early departure, so we decided to eat breakfast after checking in at the inter-island terminal.  The boys and I picked up fast food, but DH ended up getting breakfast from Chow Mein Express.

He ordered a plate with fried rice, eggs, hash, and bacon.

Can you guess how much this cost?

It was $14!!!  I guess that's to be expected at the airport.

He ended up ordering extra bacon and a few other things which is why it cost so much (the "regular" plate was $7 - I'm not sure what is included in the regular plate, but I doubt it was very much.  Talk about expensive!).

DH said it was a good breakfast, but definitely not worth $14.

Chow Mein Express: Honolulu International Airport - Inter-Island Terminal

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