July 23, 2013

FunFlicks Hawaii Kam Drive-In Movie Night

I recently attended a fundraiser at Kam Drive-In, and it was almost like the good 'ol days!

FunFlicks Hawaii was the company responsible for setting up a 40-foot Inflatable movie screen, along with all of the audio and visual equipment, in order to show a pretty large audience two movies - Monsters, Inc. and Pitch Perfect. 
The screen was a lot smaller than I expected, but we had a front row parking space, so we had a good view.

However, even from the back the screen was still quite visible.
Our kids got to experience a drive-in movie for the first time, and it was neat to see all the other families with their blankets, pillows, and canopies enjoying the movies.

The folks behind FunFlicks Hawaii were friendly and informative, and the group behind the fundraiser did a great job.

I hope there are more Kam Drive-In movie nights.  It sure was a lot of fun!

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