December 15, 2013

Santa's Arrival in Waikiki

On Saturday, I took the kids to see Santa.

Not just any Santa, but a Santa that arrived by an outrigger canoe onto the shores of Waikiki, dressed in a Palaka suit and wearing slippers.

This special event was courtesy the Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach, where the keiki of Halau `O Pua Kahale performed while hundreds of hotel guests and beach visitors waited for Santa's arrival.

After his arrival, Santa took FREE photos with keiki in the lobby of the Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach.

The line for photos was pretty long, and although my kids were not able to get a photo with Santa because we had to leave for an appointment, they still thought it was really cool to watch Santa come in on a canoe.

We hope to see Santa come in on a canoe again next year!

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