May 1, 2014

W Bistro at 1010

Before a show at the Blaisdell Center one evening, my husband and I decided to have dinner at W Bistro at 1010.
Dynamite Artichoke Bake

Steak Frites

Blackened Mahi Mahi
White Chocolate and Blueberry Bread Pudding
Chocolate Brownie with Macadamia Nut Gelato

We started off with the Dynamite Artichoke Bake, which consisted of crab, artichokes, broccoli, mushrooms, bacon and chile.  It was quite spicy, but really good.

My main entrĂ©e was the Blackened Mahi Mahi, which had a little spicy kick to it, and was very delicious.

My husband had the Steak Frites, one of the most popular entrees on the menu, and he loved it.

For dessert I ordered the bread pudding.  It was okay, but I like my bread puddings to be thick and dense - this bread pudding was very light.  My husband and I ended up switching desserts.  He really liked the bread pudding, and I loved the brownie.

Service was excellent, and overall it was one of the nicest dining experiences we had in a long time.

W Bistro at 1010
1010 S King St
Honolulu, HI 96814
(808) 589-2295

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