May 19, 2014

You Can Make This: Chinese Scallion Pancakes

Recently, a new hot pot restaurant, Little Sheep, opened in Hawaii last week.  Over the weekend, my instagram account has been flooded with mouth watering pictures.  As I was perusing the menu, what really caught my eye was the sesame pancake...actually, it was the word pancake...which made me think of scallion pancakes and how my parents used to make them for my sister and I.  I know, I could be the subject of one of those "If you give a mouse a cookie" books.     

There were lots of recipes on the Internet so I decided on one that had some good feedback from readers.  I followed this recipe.

To make scallion pancakes, all you need is 1 1/2 c flour, 1 1/4 tsp fine sea salt, 3 green onions or scallions (1/2 cup), 1/2 cup boiled water, and oil for frying.

First, whisk the flour and salt together.

Then, add the scallions and set aside.

Slowly add the boiled water to the mixture and knead in the bowl until dough is soft.  Take out of bowl and knead for 10 minutes.  Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for about 30 minutes.  

Cut into 8 parts.

Shape into balls; lightly dust top and bottom with flour; and slightly flatten.

Roll each ball into 5-6 inch discs.  Mine are far from perfect, but it doesn't need to be perfect.  :)

Shallow fry in oil, about a minute on each side.

I'm fairly amazed that these turned out as well as they did on my first try.  I made a couple of mistakes, but they turned out tasty.  My kids loved them!  Hope you enjoy them as well!  

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