July 13, 2015

40 Cities by 40…More or Less.

As I am nearing my 39th birthday, Gem had the best idea of creating a 40-things-to-do by 40 list.  But what to do?  I did some research online to garner some inspiration (apparently this is a thing!) and although I have an existing bucket list, marathons and death defying acts just don’t make the cut.  Realistically, there's not much on my list that I could get done besides cutting my hair short before next year (and even that's a stretch).

I started thinking of all the different places I’ve visited because traveling has recently become a big interest and something I love to do.  It's true I haven't traveled the world, but I've compiled a list of about 35 cities (more or less) that I have visited.  This leaves me with the goal of exploring five new cities before I turn 40. 
Where would you go?  Wish me luck and I will keep you up to date!


  1. You need to hit up New Orleans at least once!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! I definitely agree!
