July 1, 2015

Dip and Decorate: Chocolate-Covered Animal Crackers with Sprinkles

We have a big giant tub of animal crackers from a visit to a local warehouse club.  I knew we shouldn't have bought it when my son asked to get it, because from past experience, the animal crackers would just get old and stale.

Fast forward several weeks and the container has been sitting at 3/4ths full for a long time, so I decided to try and "kill two birds with one stone" - have the kids dip the animal crackers in chocolate and decorate them sprinkles - a way to keep them busy for a while during summer break, while making a very yummy and cute snack.

For the dipping chocolate, I used chocolate almond bark, but you can also use chocolate chips + flavorless coconut oil (approximately 1 cup chocolate chips + 2 tsp coconut oil; microwave on 50% power for a minute, adding more time as necessary).

My kids had a lot of fun dipping and decorating the animal crackers, and it was a great way to get them to eat the animal crackers before they go stale.

Nat and Nadia both had a great idea - make them for a baby shower!

Whether you make them for a special occasion or just to keep the kids busy, they'll turn out cute and yummy!

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