July 16, 2015

Kahuku Farms - Smoothie Tour

Kahuku Farms, a fourth-generation family-owned farm spanning 125 acres, not only grows a variety of produce, but also offers several dishes at its Farm Cafe, products using their farm-grown items, and tours for the entire family.

Our family was fortunate to experience the Smoothie Tour.
Our ride for 30 minutes through Kahuku Farm
The 30-minute long, tractor-pulled wagon tour (equipped with three umbrellas, which really helped to cool us down a little since there was crazy heat and humidity the day we visited), offered guests a chance to view some of the fruits and vegetables grown on the farm, as well as the opportunity to learn a little more about the different types of produce grown, how they are grown, and what happens to them once harvested.

Daniel, our guide, told us how Kahuku Farms grows a lot of items on a small scale for use right at the Farm Cafe.  Their dragon fruit, kale, mango, lilikoi, and lettuce are just some of the items used in their smoothies, sandwiches, drinks, and pizzas.

Dragon Fruit

We also saw some hydroponic units that the farm uses to grow lettuce.  This method uses a lot less water than the traditional method of planting in the ground.

Daniel showing us the water beneath the lettuce
Daniel also informed us how Kahuku Farms is transitioning an area of the farm to become Certified Organic.

We then went through the area of the farm where they grow produce, like papayas and apple bananas, on a larger scale for grocers around the island.

It was not only neat to see hundreds of papaya trees, but it was so interesting to learn about them as well.  Papaya trees can start producing fruit within a year, and they are usually replaced after about 4 years.
Papayas aplenty!
Next we went to see the apple banana plants.

A tunnel of banana plants!
We saw the little flowers that would eventually turn into a single banana.  We also learned that banana plants can produce fruit within a year, and that they only produce once.

Once the banana plant can no longer produce bananas, it is cut down and used for compost.

However, each banana plant produces several offshoots, which will eventually grow and produce fruit themselves.

The 30 minutes went by quickly, and at the end of the tour, we went to the Farm Cafe to pick up our Papaya Power Smoothie.

The smoothie consisted of papaya, apple banana, pineapple juice, haupia, and agave, and it was the perfect ending to the tour, especially since it was such a hot and humid day!

It was fun for the kids to see the papayas and bananas on the farm before being picked, since those were two of the main ingredients in the smoothie.
The Papaya Power Smoothie - so delicious and refreshing!
My kids loved riding on the wagon, and they all agreed their favorite part of the tour was the smoothie at the end.

Daniel was an awesome guide.  As soon as he pulled up in the tractor, he was so eager to talk about the Farm and what we'd see.

He was great with the kids on the tour too. My oldest son had visited Kahuku Farms on a field trip a while ago, and Daniel asked him all kinds of questions about his visit. He was also very enthusiastic talking to another child on the tour who started his own hydroponic garden for a class project.

It was really interesting for all of us to see some of our favorite fruits and vegetables growing right on the farm, instead of how we usually see them - at a supermarket or farmers market. I personally was quite fascinated with the number of papaya trees and banana trees on the farm. With hundreds of papayas and bananas harvested weekly, I had a greater appreciation of all the work that goes into bringing us, the consumer, produce from the farm.

And now my kids want to grow a banana plant!

Thank you, Kahuku Farms, for a fun and educational tour!

Kahuku Farms
56-800 Kamehameha Hwy
Kahuku, HI 96731
(808) 293-8159

For tour information and prices, click here.  Kama`aina and military discounts available.

Mahalo to Kahuku Farms for hosting our tour.  Guide gratuity was paid on my own.

1 comment:

  1. We wanted to go here but we didn't have the time when we were in Oahu! If only there had been more days to do everything.
