August 20, 2015

Breakfast at Julie'z Restaurant

A friend of mine mentioned how she'd often go to Julie'z Restaurant to dine, so our family decided to go there one morning for breakfast.

Mushroom Omelette with Hash Browns

Sweet Bread French Toast

Hot Cakes

Red Velvet Pancakes

I wanted to order the Ralph's Regular Fried Rice Omelette, but our server advised they didn't have any regular Fried Rice ready (with Sausage, Bacon, and SPAM), because of a huge order the day before. All they had was Adobo Fried Rice. Disappointed, I decided to order the Mushroom Omelette with Hash Browns. It was a lot of food for just $6.75.

We ordered two Full Stacks of Hot Cakes for the boys to share, along with a side order of Bacon.

After we gave our server our orders, I saw a sign on the back wall for Red Velvet Pancakes, which my husband decided to order in addition to his French Toast.

I had a taste of the pancakes, and it was quite good, but a little too sweet for my liking (I prefer savory breakfasts).

Service was great, and I was surprised with how busy Julie'z Restaurant was for breakfast. 

When we asked for our check we were told that someone paid our bill (along with another party's).

Wow! I was quite shocked, but thought it was very, very generous of this kind stranger.

Thank you once again to the generosity of this unknown person!

And hopefully the next time I go to Julie'z Restaurant they'll have regular Fried Rice!

Julie'z Restaurant
590 Farrington Hwy # 532
Kapolei, HI 96707
(808) 693-8778

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