Hawaii Mom Blog: Hawaii Food & Wine Festival - HMAA Presents Keiki in the Kitchen Event
Monday, March 31, 2025


September 14, 2015

Hawaii Food & Wine Festival - HMAA Presents Keiki in the Kitchen Event

Saturday morning, the skies cleared up just in time for the Hawaii Food & Wine Festival event, HMAA Presents Keiki in the Kitchen: Food, Fitness & Fun at the Honolulu Zoo!


At the event, guests could not only watch the finalists of the Kellogg’s and Foodland Healthy Lunchtime Challenge in action, but they could also shop at the Made in Hawaii Marketplace, visit informational stations, participate in fitness challenges, create craft projects, sample healthy eats, and so much more! 
Lemonade from Beyond Burgers
Spinach Basil Pesto samples from Les Dames d'Escoffier Hawaii Chapter
Playing games
Soccer challenge
Playing Konane

I took my kids to visit the various booths, and after the kids played some games and won all kinds of prizes, we headed to the main stage area for the 8-12 year olds Healthy Lunchtime Challenge.  

Aubrey, 10, finalizing her dishes
Gnocchi with Arugula Pesto and Asparagus
Adam Richman interviewing Josuna, 9

Carrot Ginger Soup

Sophia, 10, wish dishes plated

Crispy Panko Eggplant with Spinach Salad
The young chef's dishes were required to be healthy, easy to prepare, and featuring at least one fresh locally-sourced product as a main ingredient.  The judging was based on 50% healthy nutritional value of recipe; 25% taste; 15% creativity and originality; 5% affordability; 5% story behind the recipe.

All of the meals looked so amazing.  The keiki chefs created such healthy and delicious-looking meals under the pressure of time, in front of a crowd, in sweltering heat, while even facing a few obstacles (e.g. a burner not working, a jar being difficult to open) with such calm and coolness.

After the panel of celebrity chef judges tasted the dishes and asked the young chefs questions, the winner (who would receive a special Keiki Night Out dinner and Outrigger staycation) was announced  - Sophia and her Crispy Panko Eggplant with Spinach Salad!

 Congratulating Sophia, winner of the 8-12 year olds Healthy Lunchtime Challenge

The event continued for the rest of the day with Celebrity Chefs meet & greets, live entertainment, and cooking demos.

It was such a great event, and I was so impressed with the talented keiki chefs and the healthy meals they cooked up!
Back row L-R: Judges Will Chen, Elizabeth Falkner, Jose Garces; Emcee Adam Richman; Front row L-R: Keiki Chefs Aubrey, Josuna, Sophia

Thank you to Hawaii Food & Wine Festival for hosting our family's admission.

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