September 30, 2015

Hilo's Two Ladies Kitchen

My husband recently went to the Big Island and brought back some yummy desserts from Two Ladies Kitchen. 

They have an assortment of mochi and manju. Some of the assortment includes chi chi mochi (milk flavored mochi), brownie mochi (pink, filled with freshly baked brownies), peanut butter mochi (white, daisy shaped with shiro-an and peanut butter) and pie crust manju (flakey and filled with shiro-an). They have a great selection of different flavors and fillings and seasonal specialties as well.

My favorite is the strawberry mochi. Inside has a fresh strawberry covered in red bean paste wrapped in mochi. So good!! My husband was sweet enough to bring home a whole box of it for me. 

They are all so delicious that I could not eat just one. If you are ever on the Big Island, check out Two Ladies Kitchen. 

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