September 2, 2015

Honolulu Theatre for Youth Presents Anime Alice!

The classic tale of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll marks its 150th anniversary this year and what better way to celebrate than with a viewing of the Honolulu Theatre's for Youth original Anime Alice and Her Adventures in Wonderland written by Alvin Chan.
In this version, Alice is concerned about her family's upcoming move to Japan.  The play uses anime inspired staging techniques complete with big cartoon emoticons.  My kids and I enjoyed this fun style of story telling accompanied with loud, exciting music and exaggerated dance moves.  It was amazing to see what could be accomplished by the actors shifting perspectives on the stage.  The slow motion scene was especially fun to watch!
As a parent, I enjoyed attending the Sensory Friendly/American Sign Language (ASL) performance of the show.  It is scheduled earlier in the day, the house lights are only dimmed, and the loudest sounds are turned down a notch.  They also don't sell all the seats at their Sensory Friendly showing so if you want to avoid crowds, this viewing would be perfect.
My kids love to meet the actors and get their autographs after the show.  The HTY actors are always very friendly and excited to talk to the kids about what they liked in the play.  Anime Alice was an awesome and well executed production that the entire family is sure to love.   
You can still catch the show!  There are three more performances schedules for September 5, 12, and 19.  Don't miss out!  Get your tickets here!   

My kids are ready for the show!

Cade getting an autograph from Hermen "Junior" Tesoro after the show.

Maile Holck as a very awesome Anime Alice.

Christina Uyeno played the Queen of Hearts and other characters.

The kids with Alvin Chan, actor and author of Anime Alice, and musician Patrick Oiye

Thank you to HTY for the complimentary tickets for my family.  All opinions are entirely my own.

ANIME ALICE is performed by Alvin Chan, Maile Holck, Junior Tesoro and Christina Uyeno; musician is Patrick Oiye. Director is Eric Johnson; set, props and puppet designer is Tom Lee; costume, props and puppet designer is Lacy Rohlf; lighting and projection design is by Chesley Cannon; sound designer is Barett Hoover and additional music is by Max Louie.

Honolulu Theatre for Youth is Hawaii's non-profit professional theatre company providing theatre and drama education programs that make a difference in the lives of Hawaii's young people and families. Founded in 1955, HTY is recognized the world over as one of America's most honored theatres.

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