October 7, 2015

Arancino di Mare

After an evening on the Hawaii Five-0 Red Carpet, Nadia and I decided to have dinner at Arancino di Mare.

Complimentary Focaccia

Risotto di Funghi

Prosciutto e Rucola Pizza
The complimentary Focaccia was so delicious.  I was very tempted to ask for more after I finished my piece of perfectly baked and seasoned bread.

I had the Mushroom Risotto, which was amazing, and probably the best Risotto I've had anywhere.  It was thick and creamy, and even presented tableside, as our server placed it in a half-wheel of imported Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese.  As the Risotto was stirred up, a layer of cheese covered the Risotto to finish it off.  Risotto heaven easily sums up how good this dish was.

Nadia's pizza looked so good, and she really enjoyed it.

I thought service was great, and it was a fantastic dinner to end such a long and busy day in Waikiki!

Arancino di Mare
2552 Kalakaua Ave
Honolulu, HI 96815
(808) 931-6273

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