May 9, 2016

Visit Vancouver: UYU Ice Cream

I love strolling through Gastown, mostly because of the many great eateries, and once such eatery is UYU Ice Cream.
Some of the toppings

Organic Milk Soft Serve with Granola, Pistachio Bark, and Caramel Drizzle

Organic Milk Soft Serve with Roasted Crushed Peanuts and Freeze Dried Strawberries and Strawberry Drizzle

Organic Milk Soft Serve with Freeze Dried Strawberries and Blueberries, Strawberry Drizzle
UYU (which is Korean for milk), serves organic soft serve ice cream in a handful of flavors.

All of my kids opted for the Organic Milk soft serve ice cream.

They each picked two toppings and a drizzle, all of which the server puts on.

UYU reminded me of some froyo shops we've been to because of all the toppings, but I noticed that all the toppings leaned towards the healthier side (no gummies, M&Ms, etc.).

I was also quite impressed with how the server didn't just dump a bunch of toppings on, but instead placed the strawberries in the ice cream one by one, and sprinkled on other toppings to make sure the finished creation was pleasing to the eye.

The ice cream was light and delicious, especially with the yummy toppings!

UYU Ice Cream
433 Abbott St, 
Vancouver BC V6B 1R3, Canada

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