June 17, 2016

Central Intelligence Review - Now in Theaters

Central Intelligence (Rated PG-13)
The story follows a one-time bullied geek, Bob (Johnson), who grew up to be a lethal CIA agent, coming home for his high school reunion. Claiming to be on a top-secret case, Bob enlists the help of former big man on campus, Calvin (Hart), now an accountant who misses his glory days. But before the staid numbers-cruncher realizes what he’s getting into, it’s too late to get out, as his increasingly unpredictable new friend drags him through a world of shoot-outs, double-crosses and espionage that could get them both killed in more ways than Calvin can count.

Hawaii Dad's Review:
Central Intelligence starts out in 1996 where Robbie Weirdicht (Dwayne Johnson), an overweight student with braces, is taken by bullies from the gym showers and thrown naked in front of the student body during the final assembly of the year. The prank interrupts a speech by the valedictorian / class president / all-star athlete / most likely to succeed, Calvin "The Golden Jet" Joyner (Kevin Hart). While the rest of the students and some of the faculty laugh and chant a homophone of Robbie's last name, Calvin removes his letterman jacket and gives it to the embarrassed victim to cover up. 
Fast-forward twenty years and we find that Calvin is an accountant with a small office who gets passed up for promotions. His twenty-year high school reunion is looming and Calvin does not want to go because he feels he hasn't lived up to the expectations that come with the "most likely to succeed" title.  He is feeling down about his situation when he gets a Facebook friend request from a Bob Stone. Bob turns out to be Robbie, who now has the physique of a professional wrestler. Bob still idolizes Calvin and is so grateful for his act of kindness twenty years earlier. 
Calvin is later told by CIA agent, Pamela Harris (Amy Ryan) that Bob is a rouge agent that the CIA is trying to bring in. Calvin doesn't know who to believe - the very official Agent Harris or the buff, former high school misfit. Through numerous and hilarious twists and turns, the truth is finally revealed near the end of the movie.
I really enjoyed Central Intelligence and found myself laughing out loud several times. Kevin Hart plays the usual frantic and frenzied character that he does so well. Dwayne Johnson gets the majority of the laughs as the muscle-bound softie who is still a nerd at heart.  Amy Ryan does a good job as the serious CIA agent.

This movie is geared towards those in their 30s and 40s who were in school during the 1990s, but it would appeal to people of all ages.  Some adult language makes the movie not suitable for very young kids.   
I recommend you watch the movie Sixteen Candles if you haven't seen it yet before watching Central Intelligence - that way you won't miss what I thought was the funniest moment of the film.

Mahalo to the sponsor for providing screening tickets.

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