June 3, 2016

Easy Dinner Idea - DIY Chicken Melts

Nat mentioned that she hasn't seen a lot of my cooking posts lately.

It's because I haven't been cooking.  Well - I have been cooking, of course, but everything that I've been making for meals are super simple - things anyone can do, and nothing I felt was worth sharing.

However, Nat encouraged me to share my "simple" meals, because that's the kind of meals busy moms look for.

So, here is what was for dinner one recent night - DIY Chicken Melts.

All you need is bread, canned chicken, mayo, cheddar cheese, and whatever toppings or mix-ins you have on hand.

I took 6 slices of toasted bread, topped it with a mixture of 1 can of shredded chicken with about 3/4 c mayo and 1/2 c shredded cheddar cheese, then broiled for about 3-5 minutes, just to give them a little color.

I then topped each chicken melt with a variety ingredients.  One of my kids just wanted more cheddar cheese on it.  Another wanted avocado and tomatoes,  I put homemade guacamole on mine.  I also sprinkled dill weed on another.

with tomatoes and avocado

with avocado

with cheddar

with dill

with guacamole

with tomatoes

Super simple and super yummy!

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