June 20, 2016

Pu`u o Mahuka Heiau - A Stop on Our Circle Island Tour in 24 Custom Tour

Although I've been to Pu`u o Mahuka Heiau, a Registered National Historic Landmark, when I was in high school, I had no idea there was a short trail close by which leads to a scenic view of Waimea Bay until we stopped there on our Custom Tour with Circle Island Tour in 24.

In ancient Hawaii, a heiau was a sacred place to honor the gods Kanaloa, Kane, Ku, and Lono through offerings and prayer, and was also a place of ceremony, as well as sacrifice.

Built on a bluff above Waimea Valley, the heiau would have consisted of various features, such as an `Anu`u, or oracle tower, a Lele, or platform where offerings to the gods were placed, and Ki`i, or wooden images of the gods, but now just the rock wall enclosure remains.

One very impressive aspect of the heiau is that the stone wall was built without any mortar.

Just beyond the heiau, towards the ocean, is a quick and easy trail leading to a gorgeous (despite the power lines) view of Waimea Bay.

A visit to the Pu`u o Mahuka Heiau offered both a peek into ancient Hawaiian history, as well as stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.

Stay tuned for more of our Custom Tour with Circle Island Tour in 24.

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