June 29, 2016

Shoreline Hotel Waikiki's New Essential Oils Lobby Bar

Photo and information provided on behalf of Shoreline Hotel Waikiki

In partnership with locally-based Oil Miracles Hawaii, Shoreline (www.shorelinehotelwaikiki.com), managed by SF-based Filament Hospitality, is excited to announce the July launch of their "Essential Oils” Lobby Bar for travelers and locals alike as well as an in-room selection of oils as a new VIP amenity. Specially blended for island life, the bar features healthful potions including Buggy Begone, Energize, Sleepytime, Muscle Relief, Vog Relief, Namaste, Sunburn Soother, Ditch the Itch & Allergies, and many more! Oil Miracles Hawaii was born out of a mother’s desire to help improve her daughter’s health, and as a result she made a complete turnaround. Now Shoreline’s guests can experience the power of pure, therapeutic essential oils, sampling blends and purchasing favorites at the front desk. With over 18 essential oil blends on offer (sprays and rollers), there’s something for everyone. Guests who book Shoreline’s VIP rooms will be treated to complimentary oils in their rooms, including bestsellers Sleepytime spray - for relaxation - and Energize spray for a night on the town! Co-founded by Katra Cuskaden and Alison Lum, OM is committed to providing all-natural alternatives to address a variety of health issues.

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