July 11, 2016

Furikake Chicken Patties

These Furikake Chicken Patties are my go-to meal when I feel too lazy to cook anything elaborate for dinner (which is often), or when our refrigerator and pantry are bare (which also is often).

It is so super easy!

All I do is take 1 can of chicken (I used the Kirkland brand - 12.5 oz), 3 eggs, 1/4 cup of panko, and 1/8 cup of furikake, and mix everything all together.  I then pan-fry 1/4 scoopfuls of the mixture in vegetable oil for about 3-5 minutes on each side, until golden brown, and I sprinkle even more furikake on.

My kids love these (my youngest likes them without furikake), and I make this dish at least 2-3 times a month (I usually double the recipe to make about a dozen patties).  


  1. What size can of chicken are you using?

    1. I use the Kirkland brand 12.5 oz. Thanks for asking - I made sure to add it to the post as well.

  2. Thanks for the prompt response.. Making this today for sure...

  3. I added 1/8C Shoyu, 1/8C Sugar and 1/4C Mochico (sweet flour)
