July 25, 2016

Oreo Peanut Butter Brownie Recipe

The other day I was browsing through Gem's Twitter feed, and I came across this tweet from @SarahBMock that she retweeted: 

Everything about this recipe was calling my name - brownies, peanut butter, and oreos!

Gem suggested that I make it for our next get-together, but I couldn't wait that long, so I made it that very night. :)

Although @SarahBMock used traditional Oreos in her recipe, I only had the Reese's Mini Oreos on hand (thanks to Gem!) so I used those instead, placing two in each muffin liner.

Then I put a small dollop of peanut butter on top of each Oreo...

and then placed two more Oreos on top of each dollop of peanut butter.

I made my brownie mix, then placed about  2 1/2 Tablespoons of brownie batter into each muffin liner.

After baking them at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, they were done!

My brownies did not come out as pretty as @SarahBMock's, but trust me, they were delicious!! Oreos come in many different flavors now, and I'm sure any flavor will work wonderfully.

Since I made these for my hubby's office, I dusted them with Confectioner's sugar to make them look a little more presentable.

Click here for @SarahBMock's original recipe. 

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