July 4, 2016

Visit Kauai: Waimea Canyon State Park

A must stop while we were on Kauai was the Waimea Canyon State Park.

My husband and I visited the canyon before, and even flew over it by helicopter, but we were excited to take the kids for the first time.

I don't remember the drive to the canyon being as long or winding as it was (those who get motion sickness easily may want to consider eating ginger), and at times it was a very scary drive with tight turns.

Unfortunately, clouds were plentiful on the day we went, so at some viewing points there was nothing to view except clouds - literally (although, it was pretty cool to be walking and driving amongst the clouds).  It was very rainy and muddy, and instead of the usual reds and greens of the canyon, we saw a lot of whites and grays of the clouds.

Clouds everywhere
A view of the streams below
A few love locks

You can get fruits, snacks, and drinks at the little food stand
We decided to drive to other lookouts, but for the most part, the views didn't get any better.

The clouds did not give way at Pu`u Hinahina Viewpoint.

Pu`u Hinahina Viewpoint - more clouds
At Kalalau Lookout, I could not see a thing!  

Kalalau lookout - nothing but clouds!!
One of the highlights was Waipo`o Falls, which we could see from various stops along the road.
Waipo`o Falls
Just a few minutes earlier, the view of the waterfall was almost completely blocked by clouds.
Can you see the waterfall?
The beautiful drive down
We will definitely have to go back one day and hopefully the weather will cooperate so we'll have better views of the beautiful canyon.

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