August 2, 2016

Chicken Hash Recipe

This is another super easy dinner (or breakfast!) idea, and also a great way to use up leftovers - Chicken Hash!

All I did was take 3 medium-sized potatoes, peeled and cubed them, and sauteed them in 2 T olive oil with 1/2 a medium white onion, sliced, for about 10 minutes (don't forget to season the potatoes with salt and pepper).
Next, I mixed in a cup of shredded chicken.

I then made four "pockets" in the potato mixture and cracked an egg in each pocket.  You could cover the pan with foil and let the eggs sit and cook in each pocket so you have baked eggs, but since I don't like runny yolks, I ended up scrambling each egg, and mixed it with the potatoes.

I then topped with 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese.  I garnished each serving with sour cream and sliced scallions.

I didn't have any bacon on hand, but it would've been fantastic with bacon!  In fact, you can add just about anything to the dish - mushrooms, spinach, sausage, etc.  It's a very versatile recipe, and very filling!

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