Kubo and the Two Strings is an epic action-adventure set in a fantastical Japan from acclaimed animation studio LAIKA. Clever, kindhearted Kubo (voiced by Art Parkinson of “Game of Thrones”) ekes out a humble living, telling stories to the people of his seaside town including Hosato (George Takei), Hashi (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa), and Kameyo (Academy Award nominee Brenda Vaccaro). But his relatively quiet existence is shattered when he accidentally summons a spirit from his past which storms down from the heavens to enforce an age-old vendetta. Now on the run, Kubo joins forces with Monkey (Academy Award winner Charlize Theron) and Beetle (Academy Award winner Matthew McConaughey), and sets out on a thrilling quest to save his family and solve the mystery of his fallen father, the greatest samurai warrior the world has ever known. With the help of his shamisen – a magical musical instrument – Kubo must battle gods and monsters, including the vengeful Moon King (Academy Award nominee Ralph Fiennes) and the evil twin Sisters (Academy Award nominee Rooney Mara), to unlock the secret of his legacy, reunite his family, and fulfill his heroic destiny.
Hawaii Dad Blog's Review:
“If you must blink, do it now”
advises the young voice at the onset of the movie, Kubo and the Two
Strings. This is good advice, as the movie is full of excitement and adventure, and so much intricate detail.
The thrilling and beautiful opening scene is of a woman holding a shamisen (a Japanese three-stringed guitar) while riding on a small boat in a violent storm. When a large, imposing wave rises in front of her, she strums the instrument and a blast of energy splits the wave allowing her to pass. Eventually, the rough seas overcome her and she is knocked overboard. She washes up on shore where it's revealed she had a companion – a one-eyed baby named Kubo.
The thrilling and beautiful opening scene is of a woman holding a shamisen (a Japanese three-stringed guitar) while riding on a small boat in a violent storm. When a large, imposing wave rises in front of her, she strums the instrument and a blast of energy splits the wave allowing her to pass. Eventually, the rough seas overcome her and she is knocked overboard. She washes up on shore where it's revealed she had a companion – a one-eyed baby named Kubo.
The next time we see them, Kubo is now
a young boy who lives in isolation with his mother, whom he tends to.
She is practically catatonic during the day, but is more alive for a
short time each night where she tells her son stories and warns him
to never stay out after dark lest her sisters and father come for his
remaining eye (as grandpa already took his left one, according to his mother). The mom's stories
are so fantastical - are they really about Kubo and their family, or
is she just crazy?
Kubo goes into the nearby city where he
plays the shamisen and also tells stories for the townsfolk. As he
strums, pieces of origami paper form into the characters from the
story to act out the tales. Of course, Kubo stays out too late and
is confronted by his creepy aunties. They attempt to apprehend him, but his mother intervenes, allowing Kubo to
Kubo awakens to a talking monkey who
tells him that the city has been burned and that his enemies are
close. The monkey explains that she is Kubo's toy, brought to life
by his mother's last bit of magic. They encounter a samurai beetle
who claims to have once served Kubo's father, Hanzo. The group sets out to find Hanzo's magical armor which could be Kubo's only chance
at defeating his grandfather, the Moon King. The quest leads to
encounters with monsters and evil beings, and simultaneously unveils
Kubo's family mysteries.
Kubo and the Two Strings had a good
blend of humor, action and emotion. The interaction between the
monkey and the beetle was
especially funny. My five-year old son and I laughed a lot throughout the
movie. The action was thrilling, but may be too much for younger
viewers (my son was a little fearful of the evil aunties). Some children may also require comforting in the sadder moments
of the movie.
All the voice actors did a great job, but the real star of Kubo and the Two Strings is the stop-motion
animated company, LAIKA. LAIKA is responsible for Coraline and
Paranorman, and with Kubo, they've now set the bar very, very high.
The attention to detail, especially with elements of the Japanese culture, is impressive. It is mind-blowing to think about the time and effort that went into
making this beautiful movie, which my son and I really enjoyed.
Kubo and the Two Strings is now in theaters.
Thank you to the sponsor for the screening tickets.
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