November 7, 2016

Visit San Francisco: Lombard Street

While in San Francisco, we tried to see as much of the popular tourist sights as possible.

One of those sights was Lombard Street, commonly known as the "Crookedest Street in the World," with 8 hairpin turns.

We walked to Lombard Street from Northpoint Centre, where we parked our car for the day, and it was a very long, uphill walk.

I didn't think it through when I planned our visit, because we ended up at the bottom of Lombard Street, which meant we had to climb up many, many steps to get to the top.

However, once at the top, we had really nice views of the Bay and Coit Tower.

There were lots of people taking photos, driving down the street, and even taking photos in the middle of the street!

It was a quick, but fun visit to Lombard Street!

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