February 8, 2017

New Beginnings with Aloha Elixir

Disclosure: Complimentary products received for review purposes.
I find myself in a lot of stressful situations, and lately I feel like I've been surrounded by a lot of negative energy, so I was eager to try Aloha Elixir's products.

Aloha Elixir offers a variety of handmade-in-Hawaii Fire Elixirs and Sprays that serve a number of purposes, such as finding love, better communication, and success in business.

I know several people that use candles, crystals, and other products for enlightenment and guidance, but I'm not one to normally light up a candle and wish for good things.  But I figure it wouldn't hurt to try, and besides - at the very least, my home would smell wonderful!

The first thing I used was the Releasing Sage Clearing Spray, one of several new products that Aloha Elixir offers.  This spray is used to help you let go of negative emotions and surround yourself with positive energy. The ingredients include sage tincture, Hawaiian ti leaf tincture, olena tincture, rosemary tincture, Hawaii distilled spring water, and gemstones.

I sprayed the releasing spray in several areas of my home, and it had a very light fragrance.

Next, I used the New Beginnings candle, another new product in limited production.  

Each Aloha Elixir candle is tripled poured and charged with over 12 hours of mantras and positive affirmations.   

The New Beginnings Candle is the first intention candle embedded with semi-precious gemstones of jade and citrine.

There are actually steps to using the candle properly.  You're not supposed to just light up the candle and hope for the best.  According to the website:
  1. Charge your candle with your energy, place the candle in your hands and state your name. Telling the candle your name connects your energy with the candle's energy. You are now tethered to your candle. 
  2. (optional) Charge the candle with your own crystals and stones. 
  3. There is a blank box on your candle. You can write your name in this box or write your intention in this box. If you have a longer intention statement write it on paper and place it under a fire resistant dish. Then place your candle on top of the dish with your note under the dish. (For your fire safety please use good judgment and keep flammable materials away from open flames) 
  4. State your intention for the candle out loud. Example: I am lighting this with the intention to attract prosperity, abundance, and money. Or: I am now ready to allow money to flow into my life. Get creative and only state the positive that you want the candle to do. (These examples work great with Abundant Future). Always take note of your good affirmations.

I did all of the above (except for step 2) over a span of several days.  I loved the subtle yuzu fragrance of this candle.

Of course I didn't expect to see immediate change, nor did I expect my life to be stress-free. I can say, however, that Aloha Elixirs' products have helped me focus on the positive, and whenever I use the products, I do feel both calmer and more productive (perhaps it's a combination of the elixirs and the aromatherapy of the essential oils used in the products). There have been some "New Beginnings" that may have been purely coincidental and open to interpretation, but only time will tell if all of my intentions come to fruition.

In the meantime, I'll keep lighting my Fire Elixirs and spraying the clearing sprays, while letting myself open up to all of the positives and possibilities out there.

You can shop for Aloha Elixir products on Etsy, or click here for a list of retailers.

Some of Aloha Elixir's other new product offerings include:
The Gratitude Candle: Helps users to show thanks for the blessings they have received throughout the year and continue to experience blessings into the New Year. Available now for a limited time during the holiday season, the Gratitude Candle is created with the same mantras and affirmations used in all Fire Elixir products and also charged with rare lemurian crystals and black amethyst. The Gratitude Candle is made with soy wax, a gratitude essential oil blend, windsong balsam pine fragrance oil, gold stone and clear quartz.

The Jupiter Elixir Candle: Encourages growth and optimism – qualities that reflect its namesake planet. Igniting its flame allows users to release vibrations of self-motivation, good fortune and focus on prosperity. The Jupiter Elixir Candle is made from 100 percent soy wax, pine essential oil, Jupiter essential oil blend and contains gemstones of positive meditation – blue goldstone and blue lace or agate.
The Venus Candle: The planet, Venus is the embodiment of love and sexuality. Ruling over love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity, desire and seduction, Venus is also known for her connection to the arts such as music, dance, drama and literature. The new Venus Candle includes: chocolate mint-scented oil, Venus and come-to-me AE oil and one or more of the following gemstones: rose quartz, pink opal and gold stone.

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