March 29, 2017

Visit Tokyo: Totti Candy Factory

While walking around Harajuku, we decided to look for something to snack on.  My initial thought was that we'd get ice cream, but then we saw lots of people standing around eating these huge cotton candies.

And I mean HUGE!  They were like little, colorful umbrellas.

I'm not a fan of cotton candy, but my boys love it, so we decided to get some.

For 900 yen, we got a 5-layer/-flavor Harajuku Rainbow Cotton Candy.

Harajuku Rainbow Cotton Candy
It was enormous!

There is no where to eat in the shop, and if you decide to eat it outside (downstairs), there is a designated area to stand in (and an employee will politely ask you to step behind the yellow line if you are outside of it).

The boys loved the cotton candy, and it was a lot of fun watching them tackle that enormous sweet!

Totti Candy Factory also sells candies, cake pops, and cotton candy in cups.

Most people, however, went into the shop to buy cotton candy (there are smaller versions).

The colorful treats at Totti Candy Factory are hard to resist!

Totti Candy Factory
原宿第5寿和ビル 16-, 1 Chome Jingumae
Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0001, Japan
+81 3-3403-7007


  1. WOW! So pretty! My kids would go nuts for those cake pops!
