June 28, 2017

Frozen Banana Pops

My banana-loving middle son suddenly announced he no longer likes bananas.

Having just bought two big bunches of bananas, I did not want the bananas to go to waste!

I had no desire or energy to bake, so I decided to make Frozen Banana Pops - something I've been wanting to make for quite a while.

Just take some melted chocolate (I used 1 cup chocolate chips + 1 T shortening; microwaved on high for 30 seconds), dip a lollipop stick in the chocolate, and insert into half a banana.

Pour chocolate onto 2/3 of each banana pop.

Sprinkle with your favorite toppings - I used the following:

Crushed M&M's

Crushed OREOs

Chopped Walnuts

White Chocolate Chips
Freeze for at least 30 minutes.


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