June 27, 2017

Visit New York: American Museum of Natural History

The American Museum of Natural History is the biggest natural history museum our family has visited.

The enormous museum consists of 45 permanent halls (45!!), in addition to temporary exhibitions, and we couldn't wait to start exploring.

The Mammal Halls were some of our favorite exhibits.  The dioramas of animals big and small from all across the world were just amazing!

Animals from Africa, Asia, North America, and even right in New York were on display.  At times we expected the animals to move - that's how life-like they were!

There were even halls for birds, reptiles, and amphibians.  These displays were on a smaller scale, but just as remarkable.

The Fossil Halls were very impressive.  I have never seen such an extensive collection of fossils anywhere else.  From dinosaurs to turtles, mammoths to elks, the number of fossils at the American Museum of Natural History is just huge.

My personal favorite exhibits were those in the Human Origins and Cultural Halls.

In these halls we got a closer look at various cultures throughout the world and learned about different aspects of their lives.  There were displays of clothing, tools, monuments, and other artifacts, some of which were thousands of years old.

Relics from Mexico, India, Africa, Japan, and Brazil, to name just a few places, were on display in all sorts of colors and materials.

It was such a great way to get a peek into the lives of these ancient peoples from centuries ago.

One of my favorite exhibits was the Anne and Bernard Spitzer Hall of Human Origins.  It was fascinating seeing the different displays detailing human evolution.

In the Earth and Planetary Science Halls, we viewed all sorts of meteorites, gems, and minerals.

While at the American Museum of Natural History, we also watched The Dark Universe planetarium show (the best planetarium show I've ever experienced), and were fortunate to view The Mummies exhibit (temporary exhibit through January 8). It was simply mesmerizing to actually see real mummies and learn about the mummification process.

There were just so many interesting displays at the American Museum of Natural History. It was very easy to get lost in this giant museum, but you can download the museum's Explorer app to help you navigate through all of the exhibits.

A visit to the American Museum of Natural History will enlighten and educate.  It's a fantastic place for families to visit while in New York!

For ticket prices and more information, visit here.

The American Museum of Natural History is a preset ticket in the New York CityPass.

American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West & 79th St
New York, NY 10024
(212) 769-5100

Complimentary admission was provided for my family.

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