July 12, 2017

Bullseye Office Magnetic Globe Review

Disclosure: complimentary product was received for review purposes.  Shipping cost was paid on my own and all opinions are entirely my own.

Geography has never been one of my strong suits so when my daughter was unable to name all seven continents I decided not to give history a chance to repeat itself.  While my husband hurriedly searched for old episodes of "Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?", I jumped online to order a globe thinking I would be done in a couple of clicks.  Instead I was a bit overwhelmed as my search turned up globes of all sizes and types.  There were desk globes, floor globes, illuminated globes, physical globes, political globes, and more!

I decided what I really wanted was a globe that I could stick pins in to mark the places our family has visited.  What I found was even better:  the Bullseye Office magnetic world desk globe.  The innovative ten inch globe rotates on a sturdy stand and comes with 40 metal magnetic pins in four colors.  It was perfect!

We received our globe after we had returned home from a trip to Vancouver and Alaska so the kids were very excited to pin those two spots.  We also designated a color for places we are planning to visit.  In hopes of keeping them intrigued about new places and cultures, I assigned them each a color to mark where they wanted to go someday.

The globe is easy to assemble, lightweight, and is also available in black and tan.  It makes a great centerpiece or focal point.  Overall the globe is great, but we did notice some details were lost on a couple of the seams.  Still, we really enjoy learning from the globe as a family.   

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