February 9, 2018

Visit Hilo: Kipuka Pu`u Huluhulu Hike

During our Hilo getaway, I mentioned to my co-workers that I wanted to do some kind of activity (since we were pretty much going to be eating the entire trip).

I convinced them all to do an easy hike (since all they wanted to do was an EASY hike), and I chose Pu`u Huluhulu based on some online write-ups and feedback from a friend who lives in Hilo, who said "Pu`u Huluhulu is easy...will have unique views from the top because it is kipuka..."

For those who have no idea what a kipuka is (I had no idea what it was), it's "old land surrounded by new land" according to the National Park Service.

So, excited to do this "easy" hike, we drove 35 minutes from Hilo to Kipuka Pu`u Huluhulu.

Once there, we saw two people walking down a hill, who said that was the trail.

So we proceeded up the hill...

only to walk right back down.

We were all thinking "this can't be right," because in our minds, "easy" did not equate to "walk up a steep hill."  One of my co-workers thought "easy" meant "paved."

So we started to walk around the hill (which only after the hike did I realize was the kipuka itself), and even walked out onto the lava to see if we could figure out which way to go.

We eventually figured out we were indeed supposed to go up the hill, but by then, Crystal already gave up and decided to sit in the car, while Melissa, Yumi, and I continued on the hike.

Along the way we saw all kinds of interesting trees and plants, and the views were pretty neat.

It took us 30 minutes to go up and down the kipuka.

Coming down the hill took a bit longer since it is quite a descent, so take your time coming down the hill, or you'll fall down like I did!  

I personally thought the hike was a short and easy one, so if you're looking for a short and easy hike just a short drive away from Hilo, Pu`u Huluhulu may fit the bill!

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