August 14, 2018

Visit Japan: Osaka Castle

We had room for one castle visit during our quick trip to Osaka.  A friend had recommended Himeji Castle as the castle to see, but we ran out of time and Osaka Castle was more easily accessible to us.  If you are taking the subway, be prepared for a long walk to the entrance of the castle.  It was a hot day so we opted to pay a fee to take a tram ride directly to the entrance. 

Osaka Castle has a long history with its construction beginning in 1583.  The present day main tower is the third generation after being destroyed twice.  Inside the castle is the Osaka Castle Museum with many valuable and historical artifacts on display.  On the top floor is the observation deck which offers a beautiful panoramic view.  After we explored the castle, we took a walk in the park and found a shopping center with delicious ice cream. 

So much green surrounding Osaka Castle.

Gorgeous views from the observation deck.

Osaka Castle ice cream from a shop nearby.

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