September 12, 2018

Visit Tokyo: Natural Lawson

Lawson is another popular convenience store chain throughout Japan.  Even though we have Lawson locations in Hawaii, I never stepped foot into a Lawson until our most recent trip to Tokyo.

There is a Natural Lawson just steps away from the Shiba Park Hotel, where we stayed, so it was easy for us to go there to grab a quick breakfast.

My kids got a kick of picking out (almost) whatever they wanted for breakfast - yogurt, pastries, mini cakes, mini bentos - you name it!  I picked out what I usually eat from Japanese convenience stores - chicken and egg sandwiches!

Whether you want breakfast, a snack, or have the late-night munchies, Lawson is another great convenience store option in Tokyo!

Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo-to

1 comment:

  1. I love Japanese convenience store breakfasts. And I also have stayed at Shiba Park Hotel. So convenient!
