October 23, 2018

Visit NYC: High Line

While in NYC, Nadia and I decided to walk the High Line so we could get some exercise in while taking in the views.

What was once an abandoned rail line has transformed into a public space full of art, gardens, and small business owners selling their wares.

It was a nice walk (the High Line is approximately 1.45 miles long), and it was neat to see how the old infrastructure was incorporated into the current space.

I thought it was great to be walking through NYC in the midst of all of these buildings with innovative designs, and not have to worry about traffic and dodging cars!  

There is plenty of shade, as well as seating areas all throughout the High Line.

There are several entrances to the High Line, but no matter where you enter, I would highly recommended strolling the entire length - there is so much to see!

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