November 1, 2018

New to Ala Moana: SomiSomi

$5.95 ah-boong or $3.75 in a cup. 
You can also ask for the ah-boong in a cup so that you can take your time eating the soft serve. 

Just opened last month is SomiSomi, a popular soft serve ice cream chain from California.  They have opened their first Hawaii location inside Ala Moana Shopping Center, next to Curry House outside of Makai Market.  They have just two items on their menu: Ah-boong and Taiyaki.  The ah-boong is the fish shaped cone that is lighter and crispier than taiyaki and filled with your choice of filling and then topped with your choice of soft serve and toppings.  Their taiyaki is thicker and chewier and can be filled with cheddar, custard, nutella, red bean, or taro. 

I loved everything about the ah-boong.  I gobbled up the super creamy milk and oreo swirl and then quickly devoured the cone lined with red bean.  I liked that it was crispier and thinner than taiyaki.  I felt like it was a better balance for dessert.  I brought home custard and red bean taiyaki for my kids.  As expected they were soggy, but a couple minutes in the toaster oven and they were perfectly crispy.  They were also really good and reminded me of my summer in Taiwan where I first enjoyed the street food.

Taiyaki: 2 for $3.50 or 5 for $7.95

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