Hawaii Mom Blog: Upcoming Changes on Hawaii Mom Blog
Thursday, March 27, 2025


March 16, 2020

Upcoming Changes on Hawaii Mom Blog

Due to the current situation, you'll be seeing more recaps, recipes, top 10s, and personal posts, versus our typical dining and travel reviews. 

We are not dining out or traveling as much as before, and some restaurant or hotel posts may have been scheduled prior to the declaration of the "National Emergency" (or we just really procrastinated on our posts - I personally have a lot of old posts I have yet to complete), but we will continue to post, keep our readers informed, and try to keep things light, yet authentic, especially in this time of anxiety and uncertainty.

I know we are all trying to do our best and make informed decisions to do what we feel is right.

Although people may not agree with what others are doing or how they are handling things, we can still be kind and respectful. 

We are all in this together. 

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