July 3, 2020

Going Back to School

In Hawaii, plans are in the works for students to return to school in a sort of hybrid experience - part distance learning, part in-person.

I know there are many, many concerns on both sides.

Besides the obvious - the virus, there are worries about the kids wearing their masks all day and enforcing social distancing. 

On the other side, there are students who are struggling with distance learning, who don't have the resources (laptops, internet, etc.), and there are many concerns by teachers that distance learning is not an effective way for a child to get an education.

I personally am very nervous about my kids going back to school.  However, one of my kids did go to in-person summer school.  I was very anxious about letting him go, but in the end, I knew that the school and the teacher would do everything possible to keep my child safe.  The last thing the teacher or school would want is for any kind of negligence to occur.  My child would be in their care, and I know the school did not take that lightly.

As far as the experience went - the kids took their temps upon arrival, sanitized / washed their hands before, during, and after school, and wore masks.

Tables were distanced appropriately (there were only 6 students in my son's class), and the teacher wore a face shield and used a plexiglass shield for when she needed to go near the child (eg to listen to a child read).

Children were encouraged to wear masks, but they were not required.  My son wore his mask during class (class was only 1.5 hours). 

I asked my son often about other kids taking off their masks and the social distancing, and he'd tell me if kids took off their mask or if anyone tried to get too close.

It's challenging - they are kids.  They want to be next to each other and play together. 

In addition to trusting the school, I'm also trusting other parents to not send their child to school if sick or with symptoms. 

Summer school is now over, and my son had a great time.  I was nervous on the first day, but as the session went on, I was less and less nervous. 

School is to start in a month.  I'm not going to lie - I'm nervous again, but it's still a waiting game, as things could still change at a moment's notice. 

Are you nervous about sending your kids back to school?

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