Hawaii Mom Blog: Sweet Revenge's Halloween Mochi Bentos
Thursday, March 27, 2025


October 30, 2020

Sweet Revenge's Halloween Mochi Bentos

Mochi bentos from a pie purveyor? It's true! Kathy Masunaga, owner and chef of Sweet Revenge, not only knows how to whip up mini pies like no other, but apparently she knows how to make mochi too! And these are not your typical mochi filled with red or white bean paste. Her Halloween-themed mochis are filled with all of our favorite sweets such as peanut butter crunch, red velvet, and lilikoi butter with blueberries, just to name a few.

The Halloween mochi bento sells for $15 and it comes with 6 plump pieces of mochi:

  • Monster Munch (peanut butter crunch)
  • Floating Eyeballs (lilikoi butter with fresh blueberries)
  • Blood Velvet (red velvet )
  • Poison Apple (caramel green apple)
  • Graveyard Dirt (browned butter brownie with or without walnuts)
  • Pumpkin Patch (pumpkin crunch)

The bento is wrapped with ribbon and even comes with a mini sugar cookie. It's the perfect gift for kids, friends, family, or even yourself!

Preorder by email: sweetrevengehonolulu@gmail.com or text (808) 282-0234. 

You can also take your chances and drop in at the kitchen in Kalihi (979 Robello Lane).

p.s. Halloween-themed pies are also available on a limited basis (again, preorder to reserve your pies!).

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