July 26, 2023

Visit New Orleans: Bayou St. John

After eating dinner nearby, we decided to take a stroll down to Bayou St. John.

It was a nice, leisurely stroll along the bayou, where there were plenty of joggers and people walking dogs.

We found a swinging bench for a forced picture op!

We also found the Magnola Bridge for another forced photo op!

There were many lovely homes along the bayou, as well as fun, crafted signs  warning of alligators (we didn't see any).

The neighborhood itself, one of New Orlean's oldest, is full of eateries, shops, and other notable attractions.
If we had more time, it would've been nice to explore more of the area, but it was getting dark and rainy.

It was still a lovely evening stroll, and it was nice to get some fresh air!

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