September 8, 2023

Visit Blue Mountains: Blue Mountains Explorer Bus

Disclosure: I was a guest of Blue Mountains Tourism and Blue Mountains Explorer Bus
I enjoy exploring new cities on Hop-On, Hop-Off busses, and if you do too, be sure to get tickets for the Blue Mountains Explorer Bus while in the Blue Mountains!
The Blue Mountain Explorer Bus takes you through the Blue Mountains and to various places to shop, dine, and explore.

After picking up our tickets at the ticket office upon arrival at the Katoomba Station, we walked a short distance to Stop 1.

It was the first pick-up of the day and we were the first passengers on, so we went straight to the top of the double-decker bus and to the front to get a clear forward-facing view.

We lucked out with gorgeous, blue skies!

Even if you don't sit at the front, you'll still get great views, as the windows are large and clear.

Throughout the tour, our driver told us about various notable places, popular eateries, and famous landmarks.

We saw iconic hotels, street art, and the most amazing natural scenery!

We got off at Scenic World, where we explored for a few hours, before hopping back on the Blue Mountains Explorer Bus.

We did not have much time to explore the Blue Mountains area after Scenic World, so we simply decided to stay on the bus for the remainder of the tour, which we thoroughly enjoyed.

We had nice views of the Blue Mountains, the Jamison Valley, and even The Three Sisters!

If you love to hike, there are an abundance of bushwalk hikes to choose from, and the driver can tell you how easy or difficult hike is, and how long the hike will take, so you know if you can make it for the next, or (last) bus.

The Blue Mountains Explorer Bus offers a handy booklet that is a wealth of information as well.  There is a bush walking index which gives information on stops to hop off and hop back on, as well as difficulty level and time / length of hike.  The booklet also has maps, a list of places to shop and eat, as well as fun facts about the area.

If you happen to get off at a stop and decide to shop, eat, or simply walk around, just refer to the map in your booklet and remember to look for the Blue Mountain Explorer Bus sign, so you know where to hop back on.

We ended the tour right where we started, at Stop 1, and walked to check in at the Hotel Mountain Heritage.

The current operation is limited to just one bus, with the entire tour taking an hour, which means it takes 1 hour for the bus to return to any of the stops.  Therefore, you should time your activities so you are not waiting too long for a bus or that you don't miss the last bus (pre-COVID, there was more staffing, more busses, and more frequent stops).

Great news for families - kids under 18 ride free with a paid adult!

The Blue Mountains Explorer Bus is a great way to visit and learn about the Blue Mountains, especially if it's your first time visiting the area.  

The busses were comfortable, the driver friendly and knowledgable, and the views just so pretty!

Visit the Blue Mountains Explorer Bus website for more information and to purchase tickets.

Blue Mountain Explorer Bus
283 Bathurst Rd
Katoomba NSW 2780, Australia

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