October 13, 2023

Visit California: Cache Creek Vineyards and Winery

We noticed a sign for “Wine Tasting” at Cache Creek Vineyards and Winery in the midst of a super long drive, so we decided to check it out. 

They offer several wine tastings for $15/flight (reserve wine tasting is $20/flight), and each flight includes a logo wine glass to take home.  

My friend did the Classic Wine Tasting, and enjoyed the Cabernet Sauvignon the best.  One of the employees was kind enough to let him try a Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon, stating how that was her favorite.

I’m not a huge wine drinker, but they did have lots of snacks and food items.  I bought some snacks to eat on the road and to take home.

They produce a very small amount of wines as a “boutique winery,” with many having won critical acclaim.

Unfortunately, there is no Cache Creek distributor in Hawai`i and you can’t ship the wines to Hawai`i, so if you have a chance to stop in, do so!

Cache Creek Vineyards and Winery
250 New Long Valley Rd
Clearlake Oaks, CA 95423

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