July 5, 2024

Artizen by MW's Cookie Bar

I missed out on Artizen by MW's first All You Can Load Cookie Bar in late June, so I was determined not to miss out on their 4th of July Cookie Bar, going on now until Saturday, July 5 (11 am - 7 pm while supplies last).

 Here's how it works: go to the cashier and purchase a small or large container. Once you see the sizes of the containers, it's a no brainer as to which one has the best value.

Here's a close-up on the menu for this weekend:

And here's the visual:

Here's what I loaded up on (you can use both sides of the clamshell)

23 pieces for $25 - I definitely got more than my money's worth. 

TIP: bring ziplocks or storage containers and transfer your items afterwards, to keep them safe during transport and also for easy gift giving (I gifted most of mine away to friends and co-workers!).

I hope Artizen by MW brings back the Cookie Bar again!

Limited customer parking is available in the building (ground floor, enter from Kapiolani Blvd (makai direction) or Ward Ave (ewa direction).


Artizen by MW
888 Kapiolani Blvd (located on the ground floor of Velocity Honolulu)

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